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Preparing for a Next.js Interview: Questions and Answers with Code Examples


Prepare for Next.js Interview

Title: A Comprehensive Guide to Preparing for a Next.js Interview: Questions and Answers with Code Examples'

Author: Umair Anwar

Subject: Next.js

Language: English

Source: Next.js Documentation


Next.js has become a popular framework for building React applications, offering server-side rendering, static site generation, and other powerful features. If you're preparing for a Next.js interview, it's essential to have a strong understanding of its concepts and best practices. In this post, we'll cover a variety of Next.js interview questions and provide detailed answers with code examples to help you succeed in your interview preparation.

Basics of Next.js

What is Next.js, and how does it differ from React?

Answer: Next.js is a framework built on top of React that simplifies server-side rendering and routing. It provides features like automatic code splitting, static site generation, and easy deployment. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, while Next.js focuses on the full stack, including server-side rendering and routing.

How do you create a new Next.js application?

To create a new Next.js application, you can use the following commands:

npx create-next-app@latest
npm run dev

This sets up a new Next.js project and starts the development server.

Routing in Next.js

How does routing work in Next.js, and how can you create dynamic routes?

Next.js provides file-based routing, where files in the pages directory correspond to routes. To create dynamic routes, you can use bracket notation in your file names. For example, a file named [id].js will match URLs like /courses/1.

// pages/courses/[id].js
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

function Course() {
  const router = useRouter();
  const { id } = router.query;

  return <div>Course ID: {id}</div>;

export default Course;

How do you navigate to a different page in Next.js?

You can use the Link component from the next/link module to navigate between pages. Here's an example:

import Link from 'next/Link'

<Link href="/about">
    <a>About Page</a>

API Routes

What are API routes in Next.js, and how do you create them?

API routes in Next.js are serverless functions that allow you to create custom server APIs. You can create an API route by adding a file in the pages/api directory. For example, creating a pages/api/hello.js file would create an API endpoint accessible at /api/hello.

// pages/api/hello.js

export default (req, res) => {
  res.status(200).json({ message: 'Hello, Desi Guru!' });

How do you make an API request from a Next.js page component?

You can use the fetch API to make API requests from a Next.js page component. Here's an example:

async function fetchData() {
  const response = await fetch('/api/data');
  const data = await response.json();
  return data;

Server-side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG)

What's the difference between SSR and SSG in Next.js?

In SSR, pages are generated on each request, while in SSG, pages are generated at build time and served as static files. SSR is suitable for dynamic content, while SSG is ideal for static or semi-static content that doesn't change frequently.

How do you implement SSR in a Next.js application?

To implement SSR, you can create a function called getServerSideProps in a page component. This function runs on the server for each request and can fetch data before rendering the page. Here's an example:

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  const data = await fetchData();
  return {
    props: { data },

Styling in Next.js

What are the different approaches for styling in Next.js?

Next.js supports various styling approaches, including:

  1. CSS Modules: Create .module.css files to scope CSS locally to a component.
  2. Styled-components: A popular CSS-in-JS library that allows you to write styles within your components.
  3. Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework that can be easily integrated with Next.js.
  4. Global CSS: Import global CSS files directly into your pages/_app.js file.

Error Handling

How can you handle errors in a Next.js application?

You can use Next.js's error handling features to display custom error pages. For example, you can create 404.js and 500.js files in the pages directory to customize the error pages for not found and server errors.

Data Fetching

What are the methods for data fetching in Next.js?

Next.js provides the following methods for data fetching:

  • getStaticProps: Used for static site generation (SSG) to fetch data at build time.
  • getServerSideProps: Used for server-side rendering (SSR) to fetch data on each request.
  • getInitialProps: An older method for data fetching, mainly used in legacy projects. Not recommended for new projects.


In conclusion, mastering Next.js concepts and best practices is crucial for success in Next.js interviews and for building efficient and performant React applications. Whether you're handling routing, API routes, server-side rendering, styling, error handling, or data fetching, Next.js offers powerful tools and techniques to make your development process more effective and user-friendly.